Poniżej publikujemy nadesłane wspomnienia o Profesorze Wojciechu Rowińskim
We have just issued a notice to our membership about Dr. Rowiński’s death. Please accept our sincere condolences on the loss of a friend and transplant pioneer.
Best Regards,
Laurie Kulikosky, CAE
Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives
American Society of Transplant Surgeons
…fostering & advancing the practice & science
of transplantation
American Society of Transplant Surgeons
2461 S. Clark Street, Suite 640
Arlington, VA 22202
I am very sorry to hear the news about the death of professor Wojciech Rowinski. He was a very good person and an excellent expert. I share my deepest symphaty and condolence with the family.
Warm regards, Danica Avsec
Director,Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for the Transplantation of Organs and Tissues
We are very sad to learn that Prof. Rowiński passed away.
His professional engagement and knowledge were highly valued by all us who had the privilege of working with him at the Council of Europe and the CD-P-TO.
Our thoughts are with you, his colleagues, and with his family and friends. Please pass our thoughts and most heartfelt condolences to them.
Secretary to the European Committee on Organ Transplantation (CD-P-TO)
Department of Biological Standardisation, OMCL Network & HealthCare (DBO)
European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM), Council of Europe
7, allée Kastner
Cs 30026
F- 67081 Strasbourg (FRANCE)
Dear colleagues,
It is with great sadness that we inform you that professor Wojciech Rowi?ski passed away last Friday.
His professional engagement and enthusiasm made him one of the leading personalities in Polish transplantation for almost 50 years and he will be deeply missed by all of the colleagues who had the privilege of working with him.
Best regards,
Marta Lopez Fraga and Ahlem SANCHEZ
Department of Biological Standardisation, OMCL Network & HealthCare (DBO) Organ Transplantation European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM) Council of Europe 7, Allée Kastner Cs 30026
F- 67081 Strasbourg (FRANCE)
In memory of Prof. Wojciech Rowiński (1935 - 2014)
With the great grief and sorrow we have learned about Professor Wojciech Rowiński passing away on the 14th of March 2014.
He was pioneer and co-founder of polish transplantation medicine – from the first successful kidney transplantation in which he participated in 1966, up to current shape of polish transplantation as modern multidisciplinary specialty.
Professor Wojciech Rowiński was outstanding physician, surgeon and transplantologist, as well as academic teacher and scientist.
He was founder and chair of the clinical Department of General and Transplantation Surgery in Warsaw Medical University, which he led for 26 years developing it to multidisciplinary team transplanting kidneys, pancreas and liver, as well as performing broad spectrum of general surgical procedures.
He was director of Transplantation Institute in Warsaw Medical School in 1995-2004 (WHO collaborating center), for many years he was national consultant of transplantation medicine as well as Chairman of National Transplantation Council (1995-2006).
Professor Wojciech Rowiński was author and co-author of several chapters in books and over 300 publications in international journals.
He was respected academic teacher involved in teaching of nurses, physicians and dentist, under his care there were several doctorates thesis defended, as well as few habilitations and professors promotions.
He was President of European Society of Organ Transplantation (2001-2003), Polish Transplantation Society (2007-2009), member of ASTS/AST, IPITA, ITS, ISODP, ESSR. Since 1996 until 2007 he was founder and Editors-in-Chief of Annals of Transplantation journal.
Due to his achievements, knowledge and personality he was recognized and respected member of international transplantation environment.
Professor Wojciech Rowiński was founder and President of Polish Union of Transplantation Medicine, NGO dedicated to promotion of transplantation and organ procurement as well as program Partnership for Transplantation, to which he dedicated the majority of activities in last few years.
We have lost righteous man and humanist. Professor Wojciech Rowiński will always remain in our memory.
ERA-EDTA Council
Raymond Vanholder (ERA-EDTA President)
Andrzej Więcek
Markus Ketteler
Carmine Zoccali
Christoph Wanner
Denis Fouque
Jonathan Fox
Loreto Gesualdo
Michel Jadoul
Loss of Prof. Rowinski - condolences from Israel
All of us at Israel Society of Transplantation are deeply saddened by the loss of our esteemed colleague, Prof. Wojciech Rowinski, a highly skilled transplant surgeon, pioneer and educator whose work extended and improved the lives of so many of his patients. It was a special privilege for me to have known Wojciech personally and being able to appreciate the many facets of his character and talents. He was not only an accomplished physician, but a truly extraordinary human being and a loving husband and father. I join with my wife Paya in extending our condolences to Prof. Rowinski’s wife and son. To me Prof. Rowinski embodied the Old Testament concept of tikkun olam, meaning that one should live with purpose, to help heal the world. He did that, with joy, wit, and passion. And the world is a little better for it. We shall cherish his blessed memory forever.
Alexander Yussim, MD
Past President, Israel Transplantation Society
Każdy z nas w Izraelu - Towarzystwa Transplantacji, jest głęboko zasmucony utratą naszego szanownego kolegi,
Wojciecha Rowińskiego, wysoko wykwalifikowanego chirurga, pioniera i pedagoga, którego praca rozszerzyła
i ulepszyła życie tak wielu z jego pacjentów. To było dla mnie zaszczytem, że poznałem Wojciecha osobiście i jestem
w stanie docenić wiele aspektów jego charakteru i uzdolnień. Był nie tylko znakomitym lekarzem, ale naprawdę
niezwykłym człowiekiem i kochającym mężem i ojcem. Łączę się ze swoją żoną Payą w smutku, przesyłając kondolencje
żonie i synowi. Dla mnie prof Rowiński urzeczywistnił koncepcję Starego Testamentu tikkun olam, co oznacza, że powinno
się żyć z celów, aby pomóc uzdrowić świat. Zrobił to, z radości, humoru i pasji. A świat jest trochę lepszy dzięki niemu.
Będziemy pielęgnować jego błogosławioną pamięć na zawsze.
Alexander Yussim
Były Prezes Izraelskiego Towarzystwa Transplantacyjnego
Szanowni Państwo, Koleżanki i Koledzy
Profesor Wojciech Rowiński nie żyje. Odszedl dzisiaj jeden z wielkich pionierów polskiej nowoczesnej transplantologii i jej największy orędownik.
Ta strata jest niewyobrażalnie duża dla chorych czekających na leczenie z nieodwracalnym uszkodzeniem narządów w Polsce, dla nas transplantologów polskich, dla odpowiedzialnych za ochronę zdrowia w Polsce, ale i dla całej opinii społecznej, której tak bardzo zależy na rozwoju polskiej medycyny i transplantologii.
Kochany i Szanowny Profesorze,
Drogi Wojtku,
Pozostawiasz po sobie bardzo wielu Uczniów, Współpracowników, ale i Twoich Przyjaciół, dla których idee transplantacji i darowanego życia są i zawsze pozostaną celem i nadrzędną wartością.
Dlatego łączymy się dzisiaj z Toba i pozostawionymi Bliskimi,
Twoje cale zawodowe życie poświeciłeś dla transplantologii.
Pozostaniesz trwale w naszej pamięci
Marian Zembala
Dear all,
The transplant community has lost a very valuable colleague and person. My condolence to the family.
With warm regards,
Josep M. Grinyó, MD
Prof. of Medicine
University of Barcelona
Chief of Nephrology
Institution: Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Address: Feixa Llarga, s/n.
08907 Hospitalet de Ll. (Barcelona) Spain
Good man,a real compassionate Transplanter,he bought me tie at the Frankfurt Airport a few years ago after I said I really like this tie,he went into the store and bought it for me.These are little things one never forgets.May he rest well.
With kind regards
Hans W.Sollinger, MD.,Ph.D,Dr.hc
FOLKERT O.Belzer Professor
Depts.of Surgery and Pathology
University of Wisconsin Madison
Dear All
we were just announced by Walter Land, that Wojtek Rowinski passed away.
It is a very sad news, we will miss the professional but moreover the person, the mensch!
God bless his memory. Michaela and Eike
Michaela Yakubovich
Department of Corporate and Market Development, Fresenius Medical Care AG, Else-Kröner-Str. 1, D-61352 Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe
I am sorry to hear about the death of Professor Rowinski.
Those who have worked with him know how involved (in transplantation in particular, in medicine in general), but also how human he was.
I will remember the nice conversation I had with him in December 2002 in Budapest (final meeting of COORENOR) and I know that our former team colleague Jerica highly appreciated his contribution for the Living donation Working group in 2012.
Kind regards,
Hélène Le Borgne
Policy Officer
European Commission
Unit D4 - Substances of Human Origin Team
Szanowni Państwo, Drogie Koleżanki, Drodzy Koledzy
Z wielkim żalem zawiadamiamy, że Pan Profesor Wojciech Rowiński nie żyje.
Odszedł dzisiaj jeden z wielkich pionierów polskiej transplantologii i jej największy orędownik. Wieloletni Przewodniczący Krajowej Rady Transplantacyjnej i Konsultant Krajowy w Transplantologii Klinicznej, współzałożyciel i Honorowy Członek naszego Towarzystwa.
To olbrzymia strata dla nas wszystkich: Jego współpracowników, pacjentów, przyjaciół, uczniów.
Z poważaniem
Zarząd Główny Polskiego Towarzystwa Transplantacyjnego
Please pass on our deepest condolences to Wojciech's family and to all Polish transplantation community.
Alessandro Nanni Costa and all our Italian team have had for several years the possibility to work with him and appreciate his qualities at professional and human level. We will always remember his continuous commitment to the building of international networks.
Our warmest regards
Paola Di Ciaccio
Head of Foreign Affairs Division
Italian National Transplant Centre
Italian National Institute of Health
Via Giano della Bella, 34
00161 Rome, Italy
On behalf of the Portuguese Blood and Transplantation Institute we want to express our sympathy for the loss of professor Wojciech Rowinski and to let you know that our thoughts are with you.
Best regards,
Catarina Bolotinha | Técnico superior
Coordenação Nacional da Transplantação | Serviços Centrais | Instituto Português do Sangue e da Transplantação
Avenida Miguel Bombarda nº 6 | 1000-208 Lisboa | Portugal
Doniesienia prasowe i z portali internetowych:
Nie żyje prof. Wojciech Rowiński, pionier polskiej transplantologii wp.pl
Zmarł prof. Wojciech Rowiński. Brał udział w pierwszym polskim udanym przeszczepieniu nerki gazeta.pl
Nie żyje prof. Wojciech Rowiński, pionier polskiej transplantologii naukawpolsce.pl
Prof. Wojciech Rowiński nie żyje rynekzdrowia.pl
Odszedł prof. Wojciech Rowiński dawca.pl
Nie żyje profesor Wojciech Rowiński termedia.pl
Zmarł wybitny chirurg i transplantolog, prof. Wojciech Rowiński. nfz-szczecin.pl
Nie żyje prof. Wojciech Rowiński info.wiara.pl
Nie żyje pionier polskiej transplantologii tvp.info
Nie żyje prof. Wojciech Rowiński, pionier polskiej transplantologii zdrowie.abc.com.pl
Zmarł Profesor Wojciech Rowiński terapia.com.pl
Zmarł Profesor Wojciech Rowiński trok.org.pl
Nie żyje prof. Wojciech Rowiński, pionier polskiej transplantologii fakty.interia.pl
Odszedł Pan Profesor Wojciech Rowiński p-t-t.org
Zmarł prof. dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Rowiński wum.edu.pl
Pożegnanie Prof. dr. hab. n. med. Wojciecha Rowińskiego wum.edu.pl
In Memoriam, Professor Wojciech Rowiński esot.org
Pożegnanie Profesora Wojciecha Rowińskiego ptnefro.pl